Saturday, November 05, 2005

Republican right wing already starting whispering campaign against McCain

Well, Bob Novak already has the right wing machine greasing the gears against John McCain.

Many New York contributors to McCain's 2000 presidential campaign were reluctant to attend this year's event. The fact McCain will be 72 years old for the 2008 presidential campaign was cited to explain lack of enthusiasm, as was the senator's support for the Iraq war.

Now Reagan was 73 when he began his second term. The only reason age would matter is in a second term. However, this is a red herring. Simple fact is that the hard core right wing wants nothing to do with McCain and want to do whatever they can to torpedo him. Too bad most of them don't realize that the rigth wing has no one charismatic enough to go up against Hillary. McCain and Gulliani are the only two that i feel have a chance. I keep hearing Condi rice as a choice. Flat out, she stands no chance. She has no domestic experience and, as much as I hate to say this, while i think this country could vote for an african-american or a women as president, I am not sure they are willing to do both at the same time right now. There are still too many people who would not vote for either one. Combine the two and you have a candidate who has to beat way too many odds.


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