Tuesday, November 01, 2005

What am I missing here?

$7.1B to fight Bird Flu?!?! Ok, where is the real George W Bush? Global Warming is scientific theory; but the Bird Flu, which as of now has rarely been able to transfer from human to human, is so scary that it needs $7.1B right now?

First SARS and now Bird Flu. Enviromentalist are crazy; but the Doctors warning of a pandemic are serious. What the heck kind of bizzaro world is this?

Don't get me wrong. I don't want to see thousands of people die from the Bird Flu. However, I can not help but to feel that this scare is an artificial creation. Everyone is looking for the next Pandemic. Am I the only person who thinks this is just a little bit crazy?

According to one article, "There have been 65 known human deaths from the H5N1 bird flu virus, but none has been positively linked to human-to-human transmission." 65 deaths, all from bird to human contact. We are talking about something that has killed, worldwide, 65 people. Excuse me, but do we not lose more people to AIDS a day then that? Is this the new Fear Factor? Scare everyone on the planet about the new bogeyman, the "deadly" Bird Flu?

How many people does just regular Flu kill each year? Why is the Bird Flu so scary that it needs $7.1B dollars and it needs it now?

I just shake my head. I am sorry if there are those who think this is an ultra serious issue. I am not convinced. I am more convinved in the science of Global Warming then I am that the Bird Flu is going to morph into a worldwide pandemic.

The sky is falling and the Chicken Littles are going crazy. I think I will do my best not to touch them. Don't want to get sick!


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