Monday, October 31, 2005

Lets get it started!

I turn 40 next year and will [as of right now] be let go from my job of twenty years in mid February. Sounds like a perfect time to have a mid-life crisis! Time to go back to school and get my degree in Poli-Sci. I have been a closet political junkie for years, so I may as well come out since it is the fashionable things these days. Right, Mr Sulu? [Just for the record, my friends describe me as 'terminally straight.' So I am not even near that closet!]

I am a right leaning moderate Rino. Fiscal conservative; but do not believe that every tax is bad and every government program should be privatized. I am a member of Rep Green. I also disagree with the Iraq war; but feel that we are stuck there until it is done because pulling out early is never a good idea.

More of my confused philosphy will become evident as time goes on. In the mean time, I do have to say that I approve of Judge Alito's nomination. I have seen enough to think that he is not as far right as Justice Scalia. Granted, he is not far off. My personal feeling is that this will not cause invocation of the nuclear/constitutional option. I look forward to the hearings. Should be entertaining. There is always something entertaining about seeing Senator Ted Kennedy's head at near explosive pressure.