Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Condi - No!

I have been a bit too busy to post, so just a quick post while something is on my mind. There is absolutely no way I would ever vote for Condi Rice as President. It has nothing to do with sex or race. Heck, if being forced to vote between Hillary and Condi, at this time, I would end up voting Hillary. It is very simple for me. I will not support neocon war hawks anymore. They have caused more damage to the US then any terrorist attack, in my opinion. Plus, Condi is no more then an over blown foreign analyst. She has ZERO qualifications on domestic policy. I can handle voting for someone with zero foreign policy experience not zero domestic. The war on terror is the most overblown aspect in government right now. We have much bigger and more urgent domestic issues. That is not to say that it is not important. However, we must prioritize. The neocons have shown themselves to be grossly incompetent in their handling of domestic issues. Worry about home first. Therefore, I can NEVER vote for Condi as long as she has never been involved with domestic policy issues.


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