Friday, November 11, 2005

Prediction: Bush poll numbers will drop after Veterans Day speech

I personally feel like Bush is about to make a huge error by attacking the Democrats in Veterans Day speeches. "It will be the most direct refutation of the Democrat charges you've seen probably since the election," is the quote from an anonymous WH official. The President and his advisors are clueless to the fact that the American people are completely fed up with this garbage. Bush's biggest liability is what use to be his strength. The people no longer trust him. Attacking the Democrats is not going to help rebuild their trust. I truly feel that this will only make him look petty and even less of a leader.

I think it is time for Bush to get rid of Rove. I think Roves attack dog style has run its course. Of course, Bush is surrounded by sycophants, so the odds of that happening are about nil because no one has the backbone to tell the President when he is wrong. Kind of like T.O and Drew Rosenhaus.


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