Thursday, November 10, 2005

Wingnuts see boogey man in every Arab and African

I love how all of the Islamophobes are jumping on how the French situation is another jihad. This piece in the Chicago Sun-Times that seems to be jumped on as a "OMG! Its the truth!" type piece in the blogosphere just shows how little most commentators and bloggers understand France.

This does not have a thing to do with Islam. It is simply French racisim come to roost. It is the same situation as the US had in the 1960's. The French are as bad in their discrimination against non-native French, if not worse, then the US was against African-Americans. 30% unemployment with no hope of getting out of a ghetto will cause this. These kids have nothing to lose because they have nothing. It is not an Islamic attack. It is simply a reaction to the fact that they feel their situation is hopeless.

So any wingnut who tries to jump on this as 'Islam is bad' is a complete fool becuase they know not of what they speak.


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