Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What should the question about global warming/climate change be?

It seems that there is now a consensus that something is happening to the climate. Shouldn't the question now be "what can we do about it or how do we prepare for it?" Personally, I lean towards human caused warming; but I am not completely sure. I actually hope it is human caused. If it is not, what are we going to do next??

If this is truly a cycle increase, where are the programs that are studying how we are going to mitigate the losses? Where are the climate models to show us what the non-human caused warming is going to do?

Assuming you accept that it is not human caused, I guess there is nothing we can do to stop it. Historically, we know that large land masses have been submerged in the past. Therefore, it is safe to say that natural warming will lead to submersion of some very major and populated cities. We need the non-human warming group to come forward with models so we can try to understand how much climate change is going to happen. How much is the mean sea level going to rise? How much is rainfall distribution going to change? Should we start to consider banning further development in low coastal areas? Should we even bother with rebuilding New Orleans? Do we need to begin developing relocation programs?

If the administration really feels that there is change, why are they not addressing these questions? Or is it really human caused and their claims are just a smokescreen to put off having to act? I really don't know.

As I said before, I hope it is human caused, because we would still have a chance to do something about it. If its not, the ultimate result is going to cost a heck of a lot more than anything we can imagine.

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