Nothing like watching the Democrats wanting to eat their young[and old]
This thread over that the Daily Kos is a woderful example of Democrats canibalizing themselves. They really have not learned that you have to pick the fights you can win and not to waste your self on a lost cause when it comes to politics.
One of my favorite comments is this one:
I consider this more important than the Nov elections. Now, it's 40 more years of a ultra-conservative Supreme. They've got bare minimum - Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, Alito who will all vote the same every single time. Domestic spying, ok; 2-term Presidency, out the door. Vote Reform; no.
What a brainiac this one is. Does not seem to grab the concept that the 2-term is part of the Constitution. Oh, and its 40 years of ultra-conservative Supreme. 40 years? I guess he is planning on a bunch of guys living to 80 and 90 on the court.
The great unwashed and uniformed. Aren't blogs such a wonderful thing?
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