Monday, January 30, 2006

Nothing like watching the Democrats wanting to eat their young[and old]

This thread over that the Daily Kos is a woderful example of Democrats canibalizing themselves. They really have not learned that you have to pick the fights you can win and not to waste your self on a lost cause when it comes to politics.

One of my favorite comments is this one:
I consider this more important than the Nov elections. Now, it's 40 more years of a ultra-conservative Supreme. They've got bare minimum - Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, Alito who will all vote the same every single time. Domestic spying, ok; 2-term Presidency, out the door. Vote Reform; no.

What a brainiac this one is. Does not seem to grab the concept that the 2-term is part of the Constitution. Oh, and its 40 years of ultra-conservative Supreme. 40 years? I guess he is planning on a bunch of guys living to 80 and 90 on the court.

The great unwashed and uniformed. Aren't blogs such a wonderful thing?

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Blog not dead!

Give me a few more weeks. Last day on the job is February 17. Shortly after that, My schedule opens up. Full work and 12 hours of classes but homework leaves little time for social commentary.

Quick updates:
As more info has come out, no longer thinking impeachable offense. Just think the domestic program is not legal.

I think Bush has done a better job, spying not withstanding, as of late.

I expect nothing interesting from the State of the Union. He has gone major lame duck.

Bush will set a record for least vetos in any term.