Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Color me unimpressed. It appeared to be a speech by a President who is definately weaker and in lame duck status. I thought he did do a good job on justifying the evesdropping issue. While I may not be in favor of it, it may be politically unwise to attack.

His anti-cloning stance, I can understand. He is obviously clueless on the ideas behind human/animal hybrids though. I guess he must be thinking scientist are trying to make those anime catpeople he sees on Cartoon Network at night. Completely misses the point of making the research closer to human conditions to improve the speed of reasearch.

His budget cutting ideas are a joke. $14B is a sneeze in the budget. Could cut three sacred cows from road projects and get more then that. Line item veto redux. I am surprised it has taken him six years to bring it up. Of course, I am not sure he knows what a veto is. He certainly has never used one [a new record for a two term president by a mile at this rate].

Immigration reform, I found him soft. However, he did say "no amnesty." That, to me, should be a key part of any immigration reform. We have done it too many times and the illegals expect it now.

Health care reform, he came across even weaker than I expected. I sensed no real urge or push from teh President here. Seemed to be throwing things up against the wall trying to find something that might stick.

His alternative fuel stance was better. It is nice to hear him same that we need to reduce our dependency on oil and not just foriegn oil. Nice proposals, however, I feel the odds of them being funded are about as good as Abramhoff getting a return phone call these days.

My only eyebrow raise was his call for a bipartisan commision on Social Security and Medicare. Talk about running up the white flag after getting trounced in the public opinion last year. I have about as much confidence in this commision as I did in the tax reform commision. That one did a fabulous job, didn't it?

Democratic response was underwhelming. I felt like I was listening to a sales pitch of someone trying to sell me something. Problem is, I had no idea what the product that he was pushing was. Sounded more like an advertisment for companies to come to the Commonwealth of Virginia instead of a response to the Presidents State of the Union address. Looked nice, sounded nice but left me about as satisfied as diet soda when I really want a beer.